Missa Votivae (II)

Missa ad poscendam pluviam

This Mass does not exist in the Roman Missal. However, the Collect, Secret and Post-Communion found in the Oratione Diversae under Ad petendam pluviam (in the Roman missal) are the same as those found in this Mass.

Introit: Ps 73:; V./ Ps 73:1

Epistle: Lev 26: 3-12

Gradual: Ps 89: 13.1

Alleluia: Ps 129:1 (TP – Mat 28:2; V./ Ps 129:1)

Tract: Jas 5:17-18

Gospel: Mk 8:1-9

Offertory: Dan 3:40

Communion: Lk 11:9.10

Missa pro serenitate

This Mass also does not exist in the Roman Missal. As was the case with the previous Mass, the Collect, Secret and Post-Communion found in the Oratione Diversae under Ad postulandam serenitatem (in the Roman missal) are the same as those found in this Mass.

Introit: Sap 11:24-27; V./ Ps 56:2

Epistle: Jer 14: 7-9

Gradual: Ps 78: 9-10

Alleluia: Ps 129:1 (TP – Mat 28:2; V./ Ps 129:1)

Tract: Qui cognoscis, Domine, occulta cordis, noli claudere auris tuas ad preces nostras. V./ Adjutor esto in tribulationibus quae invenerunt nos nimis.

Gospel: Lk 8:22-25

Offertory: Ps 9:11-13

Communion: Ps 118:4-5

Missa pro navegantibus

Another Mass that does not exist in the Roman Missal. Unlike the previous Masses, the Collect, Secret and Post-Communion found in the Oratione Diversae under pro navegantibus are not the same. It can be found, however, in the Dominican Missal.

Introit: Ps 106:22-23; V./ Ps 106:1


Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, qui beatum Petrum Apostolum, super mare ambulantem, ad te venire jussisti: intercedente beata et gloriosa semper virgine Genetrice Maria cum omnibus Sanctis tuis, adesto famulis tuis super mare navegantibus, et in tua misericordia confidentibus; ut, ope misericordiae tuae adjuti, ad loca destinata et ad salutis portum sine impedimento sani et incolumes valeant pervenire: Qui vivis.

Epistle: Jon 2: 2-10

Gradual: Ps 68: 17.16

Alleluia: Ps 106: 29.30 (TP: Mat 28:2; V./ Ps 106: 29-30)

Tract: Ps 76: 17-19

Gospel: Mk 4: 35-40

Offertory: Ps 106: 25.28


Suscipe, quaesumus, Domine, preces et oblationes, quas tibi offerimus pro famulis tuis super mare navegantibus: ut praesta; ut Angelus sanctus per omnem viam aquarum eis occurrat, qui in eundo et redeundo dux eis et comes mitissimus efficiatur. Per Dominum.

Communion: Ps 68:35 & Ps: 88:10


Per hujus, Domine, Sacramenti perceptionem famulos tuos navigantes, et in tua misericordia sperantes, ab omni periculos liberare digneris: adsit Spiritus Sanctus, qui eos sanos et incolumes custodiat, atque ad locum destinatum et ad salutis portum cum gaudio et prosperitate faciat pervenire. Per Dominum… in unitate.

About Βαρθολομαίος

Husband and father of 4, enamoured with the Liturgy, the Fathers, Sacred Scriptures and the Christian monastic tradition. Trying to persevere through the "dura et aspera" while "de Dei misericordia numquam desperare."
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