Missae Votivae (I)

In the Bragan Missal we find the Masses contra paganos and ad tollendam schisma with their original name (they are under a different title in the 1962 edition of the Missale Romanum).


Missa pro vitanda mortalitate:

Alleluia: Zach 8:7-8
Alleluia (TP): Mt 28:2; Zach 8:7-8
Post-communion: […] et, intercedente beatae Dei Genetrice semperque Virgine Maria cum omnibus sanctis, populum […]


Missa pro remissione peccatorum:

Introit: Dan 3:31,29,34.35; V./ Ps 118:1
Epistle: Jer 14:7-9
Alleluia: Ps 84:8
Gospel: Mk 11:22-25
Offertory: Ps 50:3
Communion: Ps 30:3


Missa pro pace:

Epistle: Rm 12:16-21
Gradual: Ps 121:1.7
Alleluia: Ps 147:3 (the gradual and alleluia vary from the RM only in the verses chosen)

Tua est potentia, tuum regnum, Domine, tu es super omnes gentes: da pacem, Domine, in diebus nostris. V./ Creator omnium, Deus terribilis, fortis, justus et misericors: da pacem in diebus nostris.

(can be found in a Franciscan Breviary as a responsory at Matins for the 1st Sunday of October and, a fortiori, in the Roman Breviary)
Alleluia (TP): Mt 28:2; Zac 8:7-8
Gospel: Lk 18:1-8
Offertory: Ps 33:8-9
Communion: Ps 11:8


Missa tempore belli:

Collect (found also in the Ambrosian missal):

Omnipotens et misericors Deus: a bellorum nos, quaesumus, turbine fac quietos; quia nobis bona cuncta praestabis, si pacem dederis animae et corporis. Per Dominum.

Tract: Jer 42:11.10
Alleluia (TP): Mt 28:2; Ps 58:2
Post-communion (also in the Ambrosian missal):

Sacrosanci corporis et sanguinis Domini nostri Jesu Christi refectione vegetati: supplices te rogamus, omnipotens Deus; ut, hoc remedio singulari, ab omni peccatorum nos contagione purifices, et a periculorum munias incursione cunctorum. Per eumdem Dominum.

About Βαρθολομαίος

Husband and father of 4, enamoured with the Liturgy, the Fathers, Sacred Scriptures and the Christian monastic tradition. Trying to persevere through the "dura et aspera" while "de Dei misericordia numquam desperare."
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